Friday, November 19, 2010

Wikitude Tutorial

This is a brief description of the steps required to create a world in wikitude on your android phones

1. Create an account on wikitude ( this is easier to do on a computer or laptop and you can also sign in to wikitude using your gmail accout id.)
2. I made a world by using the "KML" option in wikitude( you can see the "KML" tab on upper right corner of the screen once your signed in )
3. Now you need to make your KML file
   - go to
   - once on the page click on the "Add Point" tab
   - search for the location of the point on the map and then click on the location of your point a red marker should appear and you should be able to assign a name for your new point.
   - so now you have one point marked on the map, remember to save the point. You are likely to have more than one point you are marking so you just repeat the process , there is no limit to the amount of points u can add and save .
4. Once you have marked, named and saved all your points you need to click on the "Save POI file" tab.
    - assign a name for your KML file and change the file type to "Google Earth KML"
5. Now all you have to do is open Google Earth and then open the KML file through Google Earth
    - once the file is open the points you  marked on the poi editor will be visible on the map , you can edit the shape, size, colour and type of marker you want to have for each point. You can also add text/Urls to each point. Once all the diting is complete SAVE your file .
6. Now you need to go back to the wikitudeme website and once signed in, click on the KML tab
  - you should find a number of fields you are required to fill in , this will determine how your world is displayed on wikitude on your phone. You need a couple of small pictures(PNG.)  for your icon and logo.
7. Once all the details have been filled you need to upload the KML file you have created and saved in Google Earth.
    - After that is done you need to hit the "Save" button and your wiki world is up and running !


  1. Hi Dave,

    I,ve created my world. But the thing is that I don't know how to add places to my world.

    I follow the steps on the tutorial but it creates another world, not a place inside my world.

    Do you know how to do it?


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