HTC Desire
We were given these awesome phones for a semester thanks to Thom, David and Unitec. We were encouraged to experiment with the overwhelming list of applications on this phone. At first I was not too sure , but once I browsed through the Android market , I spent hours at end just looking for interesting applications, it almost became an addiction !
We were introduced to some basic programs like Audioboo(stream live audio from your phones), pixel pipe( upload pictures and videos from your phone), Layar and Wikitude which are augmented reality applications. I was really intrigued by the augmented reality applications , the fact that any one with an android phone(or Iphone-highly not recommended-rip off !) or access to a computer can create a world within wikitude. In fact we made a world for our group "Archifail" which is up and running on Wikitude( Check it out !). You can view all the failed buildings we have chosen either in map view or through the five mega pixel camera. The camera view is particularly interesting as it gives you the exact location and distance from the building as you pan your camera around.
Wikitude and other augmented reality applications take google maps to the next level , there are countless possibilities to the number of worlds you could create. If people are only aware of this cool new gadget , we could have a rich database of information available at the tip of our fingers.
We were also asked to make our presence be felt online with the use of blogs and twitter accounts. The HTC desire is very well equipped, with a widget devoted to entirely to twitter, tweets couldn't get any easier ! It takes social networking on a mobile phone to higher level. Gmail along with other applications like facebook are also easily accessible on the phone.
I have really learnt a lot about android phones and the possibilities of incorporating the various applications within our study. And the best part is ease of getting data from the phone straight online.
Using this phone has been such a pleasure that I will be saving up to buy my very own HTC Desire !